Resources To Explore

Mental Health Counseling

Bodywork of all types can elicit somatic-emotional responses, releases, and generally facilitate movement in our being on all levels. There may be times one would like to explore those experiences deeper with qualified mental health professional. Psychology Today is a great starting point to begin finding that support, and easy to navigate. Tap the image to reach their site.

What is Reiki?

Curious about Reiki and energetic bodywork sessions? Click the image above to explore more about Reiki from the International Association of Reiki Professionals as a jumping-off point. There are many more resources out there, and this is a solid way to “get your feet wet”.

What is Cupping?

An article through to help give some basic information on this therapeutic technique for anyone new to the experience or simply curious. Tap the image above to access the article.

Body Sense Magazine

Free access (no login required) for those interested in learning a bit more about the field. Welcome to Body Sense magazine, ABMP's digital magazine for health-conscious consumers. Body Sense magazine is designed to educate consumers on the lasting benefits of frequent massage and bodywork and the value of good stress management. Tap the image above to access this resource.